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In the grand tradition I’ve been following for the last few years (see 2010, 2009, 2008, and 2007), every year I try and make a photo set of my favorite shots from the year. It’s a good exercise, I recommend it for all creative types, it lets you see how your work changes and grows over time.
This year, I am doing it a little differently… two posts. I posted my top concert posts yesterday, this is the Top Non-concert ones. Here we go!
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In the grand tradition I’ve been following for the last few years (see 2010, 2009, 2008, and 2007), every year I try and make a photo set of my favorite shots from the year. It’s a good exercise, I recommend it for all creative types, it lets you see how your work changes and grows over time.
This year, I am doing it a little differently… I am breaking it up into this post, which is my Top 15 Concert Photos of 2011, and another post of my Top 12 Photos (non-concert) of 2011 (check back tomorrow for that one). Cheating, maybe, but shooting more non-concert stuff is a goal of mine, so I decided to break them up. I’m also going to try and write a little about each… so here goes!
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I shot these with Dan in his house in… 2009? Wow. Don’t know why I never posted these. These were for XLR8R Magazine, which no longer exists in printed form (RIP). The fabric in the background is the fabric that was used (he had it hand-made) for the tent that is on the cover of Bromst (which was photographed by the lovely & talented Baltimore photographer Frank Hamilton).
Slow month, due to the holidays/traveling! I only shot FIVE shows, some kind of record for me:
– Nadastrom & Scottie B @ Red Maple
– Daybreak reunion @ Golden West
– Art Department, Other Colors, Dave Fell, Quiet Hooves @ Golden West
– Dan Deacon, Celebration, Matmos @ Ottobar
– Beirut @ 9:30 Club
You can see photos from all these shows in my December 2011 Shows flickr set!
Last summer, Dana and I went to Montreal for a few days. Beautiful city, and it was a really affordable trip. Highly recommended if you have never been. Check out the rest of the Montreal photos here
Awesome show, from beginning to end. 3 very different, yet complimentary Baltimore music groups, all on one bill! A great weekend for the Ottobar, who also hosted a sold out Wye Oak show the following night… anyway…
I have seen Matmos several times, and they are always different. This night, they chose to create a droning/grooving sort of atmosphere with a Caribbean (to my uninformed ears) feeling type of beat, very noddable and swayable. One of their songs got pretty minimal industrial, again to my uniformed ears, and I would SWEAR that on one song they used the same sample as Ministry does on one of their “Land of Rape And Honey” era records… but maybe I am just a goth.
Celebration remains one of my absolute favorite bands to see live in Baltimore… I love their old material and their newer stuff is growing on me more and more now that I have seen it played live a few times. Their set has morphed into only having one or two songs from the “The Modern Tribe” era, and they are still a treat to watch.
Dan Deacon used this show to introduce his new five piece ensemble (who I have posted about here recently) , and I really enjoyed the additional instrumentation. I think it worked best on the newer songs, ones that I assume were written for this group, but even on the classic Deacon songs, I think they added alot, especially the dual percussion. Live drums really can create a feeling like nothing else. The crowd seemed to agree, they went CRAZY, which is too be expected, and it was a really really fun set. Somehow I managed to stick it out the whole time at the front… a bit of a while since I managed that, but I was having a blast!
This summer, I was invited to the set of Matt Porterfield’s new film, I Used To Be Darker, to take some photos for the Baltimore Sun, and ended up shooting some stills as well. It was a great experience, a tightly knit film crew who were good at staying on task and getting the job done, but were also experimenting, creating shots on the spot, coming up with ideas, abandoning them if they didn’t work, and moving on. I look forward to seeing the finished product.
In the past few months I have become involved with (In) Parenthesis, a Baltimore-based photography collective. Our goal is to broaden knowledge about current issues in the field of contemporary photography, and our first curated show, Fields of Vision, is on display now at CaseWerks Gallery (1501 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore).
The Baltimore City Paper (who I work for often) wrote a story up about the show, which you can read here.
Photo L-R: Marian Glebes, Dean Alexander, J.M. Giordano, Jill Fannon, Sean Schiedt, Josh Sisk. By me & Rob Brulinski.
Dan had me shoot a few photos last month, to go out along with the announcement of the new Dan Deacon Ensemble, the planned new record, and his signing to Domino Records. Above are a few of my favorites from the session.
Along with Dan, the other members of the Ensemble are:
– Denny Bowen (Double Dagger, Roomrunner)
– Chester Gwazda (Nuclear Power Pants)
– Jordan Kasey (Zomes)
– David Jacober (Dope Body)
I am in North Dakota, visiting family. Today, my Dad and I drove around some backroads, looking at old run down buildings, cemeteries, and trying to spot some wildlife. This is the first winter I can recall where there isn’t a blanket of snow on the ground, which makes it harder to spot wildlife. We did find a cemetary from the 1800s, though, which was interesting.
See the rest of the photos here. I’ll be posting more over the next few days…