Two fun, light-hearted vaguely internet-oriented bands at the Kennedy Center to celebrate a decade of the Millenium Stage, which showcases free bands EVERY DAY, which is crazy when you think about it. Pamplamoose was full of fun stage banter, while Ok Go!’s show was lots of bombast, with a big video screen that didn’t quite work, 3D glasses, confetti cannons firing every few minutes… quite a spectacle!
Tag Archives: published!
Sade & John Legend, A Night In Treme.
Two shows I shot recently for the Washington Post. Sade was interesting… totally packed, yet very chill, a very grown-up crowd (obviously). Beautiful voice and very professional, yet you got the impression that she didn’t really like being on stage, which makes sense considering her famous reticence at being in the spotlight.
A Night In Treme, which closed out the DC Jazz Fest, on the other hand was an unabashed party. Total abandon and fun from all the musicians (and famous actors, and Louisiana Congressmen) on stage. They even did a second line, right through the crowd!
- See more photos of Sade & John Legend on my Flickr
- Read the Washington Post Sade review
- See more photos of A Night In Treme in my June Shows set
- Read the Washington Post A Night In Treme review

July Tearsheets + Low Budget Photo Show.
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Tearsheets for the first half of July. You can see a selection of my favorites on my Tearsheets page, here. Click any of the above to see some of my Tearsheets from the last week or two. Animal Collective/Black Dice show coverage, the Big Music Issue of the City Paper cover, a few shots of mine that were used on an IFC show, and more…
Also, there was a City Paper Low Budget Photo Show downtown, where various City Paper photogs sold work. Here is a picture of my stuff on the wall:
Breakdancing In Baltimore.
I worked with Sam Sessa at the Baltimore Sun on a piece about the breakdancing scene in Baltimore. The monthly party 4 Hours of Funk (at Wind Up Space) and the weekly Dig (at Joe Squared) are both hotbeds of breaking, as well as popping and locking. Both parties are fun, even for the uninitiated like myself. It’s pretty impressive just to hang back and watch their moves.
- Revival of breaking brings a blast of new energy to Baltimore – Baltimore Sun article
- See all my breakdancing photos on flickr
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And now… Weekly Tearsheets.
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I am going to start posting these more, hopefully once a week. You can see a selection of my favorites on my Tearsheets page, here. Click any of the above to see some of my Tearsheets from the last week or two.
Arctic Monkeys & The Vaccines @ 9:30 Club
The other week, I shot the Arctic Monkeys and the Vaccines for SPIN… I am not super knowledgeable about either band, but fun show, good lighting, good sound… the Arctic Monkeys were lively, more so than I had been led to believe, and the Vaccines were fun and energetic. I hear they are a band to watch… Read the review, linked below for more details!
Diego Garcia @ DC9
Kylie Minogue @ Patriot Center
Last week I was able to shoot Kylie Minogue’s show for the Washington Post… it was a pretty amazing affair. I am not a huge fan, or even a casual fan… in fact I can only think of one Kylie song off the top of my head! But the show was really fun, full of drama and pomp and an INCREDIBLE stage setup and performance… some of the most over the top stage stuff that I have ever seen at a concert. I was told that the tour cost $25 million… and I believe it. Check out photos below:
BIG K.R.I.T. @ U Hall, DC
A little while back, I had a chance to shoot BIG K.R.I.T.’s sound check at the awesome DC venue, the U St Music hall. I love shooting here, the staff is always great. They have a policy that we have to shoot the sound checks, not the show itself, which is real different from most clubs, and has it’s good and bad points. The good is we get to shoot portraits of the artists, if they are down, like the quick one I shot of Big K.R.I.T. above. He was really chill and his soundcheck sounded great. Check the links below to see more photos and read a review of the actual show!
TV On The Radio – Philly, Baltimore
I had never seen TV On The Radio before, nor ever been the hugest fan, but after getting the chance to shoot their tour opener in Philly, then a show a day or two later in Baltimore, I am a bit of a convert… they were GREAT live, full of energy, racing around the stage, etc… They seemed to be having a great time. I was surprised to hear that two of the touring line-up was new, thenvery happy to learn that their new drummer was none other than my friend Jahphet Landis from the Death Set! So happy for that dude. Anyway, these shows were great fun and tour opener Celebration also delivered, even though their Philly set was cut short.
Destroyer @ the Black Cat
This band was not what I expected… I guess the name and the pedigree made me think this would be some driving, semi-aggressive indie rock, but in actuality they are basically the exact opposite… soft rock, made me think I was at a waterfront restaurant in the 80s or something. Not bad, though, and the crowd certainly enjoyed it…
African Acoustic Tour @ GWU
This is a good example of why I have always liked shooting on assignment… I would never have gone to this show on my own, as I don’t really know much about African music, but this was quite a lot of fun, and fun to shoot as well. I had never shot in Lisner Auditorium before, but it’s amusing how basically every college auditorium feels and looks the same… a nice venue though, and really friendly staff.
my top ten live photos on spin.
Deacon, Dan Higgs & Jason Urick @ the Ottobar.
Earlier this month I shot Deacon from Animal Collective’s first solo show, with Dan Higgs and Jason Urick. Click here to read the article on Click here to see the whole set.
the business of professional modeling.
Dying Fetus in Decibel Magazine.
Martyn press shot.
my show @ The Front Gallery in Readymade
the cranberries @
read the story by michael byrne and see more photos at
UPDATE: this also made the “30 Biggest Concerts of 2009”