A week or so ago, I dropped by the Hirshhorn in DC to see Dan Deacon. I decided to go because I love Dan, and I figured this show, since it was at a Major American Art Museum, would be staid and reserved, with glasses of wine and DEFINITELY NOT with people mobbing Dan or stealing his equipment or stealing his famed green skull. I was wrong on all counts, as you will see if you click here.
Tag Archives: wham city
Whartscape photos in Big Shot Magazine this month.
Whartscape 2008!
Last weekend was Whartscape in Baltimore. It’s a music and arts festival held by the collective arts group WHAM CITY every year in Baltimore… it kicked off an insane weekend that also included Artscape, the Unruly Records 15th year anniversary, and some other events too. For me, the Whartscape highlights were Future Islands, which I can only describe as an avant dance band with Meatloaf as singer, Celebration, Dan Deacon, an illegal lecture by Mark Hosler from Negativland, and the Oxes reunion. Click here for the whole set.