I never saw it. If you happen to have a copy, please take a picture of the spread and email it to me!
Category Archives: published!
photo of Blaqstarr in the sept. Baltimore Magazine.
Whartscape photos in Big Shot Magazine this month.
my photo of K-Swift in the Baltimore Citypaper.
Bob Mould XLR8R spread featuring my photos.
my photos in Debug magazine.
my photo in the current issue of blender.
my work in Serie B magazine next month…
I contributed several photos to an article on Baltimore Club music in the next issue of Serie B, a spanish language magazine from Europe. If you know spanish well and want to translate, let me know! And click below to see the rest of the article, the cover, and my contributer page.
some recent publications…
me on the Wire.
look for my photos in serie b.
serie b, a pretty sweet european magazine, will be featuring several of my photos in an upcoming feature about baltimore club and the baltimore music scene. (this is not the issue i am in; it’s not out yet).
i am also going to have a photo prominently featured in the march issue of blender; look for the dance party spotlight article.