U+Nfest Day 2 : Moss Icon, Grass Widow, Purling Hiss, Sterling Sisters, Pure Junk

Moss Icon @ U+Nfest
Moss Icon @ U+Nfest   Grass Widow @ U+Nfest

Last week, I posted photos from Day One of U+Nfest; here is Day Two, featuring Moss Icon, Grass Widow, Purling Hiss, Sterling Sisters, and Pure Junk. What a fun weekend, and a big success too – Dana organized a stellar list of bands, and the art, photo and flyer portions of the event were really cool as well. For me the pleasant surprise of the night was Sterling Sisters, a Baltimore band I had never even heard before, but who were really spectacular… a sort of 50/60s dinner club-esque rock band that sound as though they stepped out of some slightly surreal avant guarde film. And, of course, seeing Moss Icon was the culmination of years of anticipation, and I wasn’t disappointed.

See all the photos from U+Nfest Day Two here!

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