U+Nfest Day 1 : Sick Weapons, Old Lines, Slow Jerks, Radar Eyes & Leather

Sick Weapons @ U+Nfest
Sick Weapons @ U+Nfest   Sick Weapons @ U+Nfest

Sick Weapons @ U+Nfest
Radar Eyes @ U+Nfest   Slow Jerks @ U+Nfest
Old Lines @ U+Nfest

Last week, the prolific Baltimore show booker Unregistered Nurse (winner of best booker 2012 from the City Paper) put on their first annual Unregistered Nurse Fest at the Metro Gallery… two days of great bands, art, friends, and music. The first day the headliner was a reunited SICK WEAPONS, who were a great Baltimore band that played a witty brand of caustic, noisy punk, but with great musicianship and an a wonderful stage presence. One of my favorite bands to see in the city, it was great to have them back, even if just for one night.

[In order to help commemorate the occasion my old record label, McCarthyism, helped Reptilian Records release their long-awaited LP. You can read the Baltimore Sun review of it here, and buy it here (for Baltimore pickup), or here (for mail-order), or go get one at Celebrated Summer Records in Hampden.]

The rest of the great line-up for night one included the new dbeat/hardcore band Old Lines, who were great, Philly’s Leather, a band I had never seen but liked quite a bit, Radar Eyes, and Baltimore favorites the Slow Jerks!

You can see all of my photos here, and Day 2 will be up soon!

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