Baltimore Weekend Blur

double dagger @ hampden fest   sick weapons @ hampden fest
Hollywood @ GW   dave nada @ taxlo.
emily rabbit, adam gonzo @ taxlo.   Hollywood @ GW
double dagger @ hampden fest   sick weapons @ hampden fest

A few weekends back, I managed to go see Hollywood wreck the Golden West, then check out Dave Nada’s last Taxlo before he moves to LA to become a famous record producer, then Hampden Fest to see Double Dagger and Sick Weapons. (And THEN I went to shoot Vampire Weekend/Beach House/Dum Dum Girls, which I will post in it’s own blog entry soon). What a weekend, I love Baltimore.

see the Hampdenfest set here | see the Hollywood photo set here | see the Dave Nada going away set herealso posted in different form on BYT

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