Last week, I shot Of Montreal and James Husband’s tour kick off in Baltimore. It was a fun show, though I was SO SICK. I apologize to anyone I spoke to at that show, I was totally delirious with fever and probably made no sense. This was one of the most grueling photo editing sessions ever, since I had to file the photos by 9am. Somehow I managed it between fever dreams and dry heaves.
Check out the full Of Montreal photo set here.
Category Archives: music
Aural States / Blogtimore Fests.
This weekend I caught the Blogtimore Fest at the G-Spot (which is apparently closing after 10 years!) and the Aural States Fest at Sonar. To me, the highlights were Sick Weapons, Vincent Black Shadow, and Wye Oak. J Robbins’ new band the Office of Future Plans was also a pleasant discovery… I hadn’t heard of them before but they were good. Sadly the freak snowstorm hurt attendance, but both nights were a great time.
posting from the vaults: SXSW 2008
Posting some never-before-seen photos from SXSW 2008. Pictured above are: 2 Live Crew, Amanda Blank, Spank Rock, and Santigold. Click here to see the whole set, and expect more blasts from the past over the next week or so.
Deacon, Dan Higgs & Jason Urick @ the Ottobar.
Earlier this month I shot Deacon from Animal Collective’s first solo show, with Dan Higgs and Jason Urick. Click here to read the article on Click here to see the whole set.
Bmore Original.
Dying Fetus in Decibel Magazine.
dying fetus.
I can’t accurately describe to you what this was like, but it was really fun. CLICK HERE to see the whole set. View it SLIDESHOWed.
Mz Streamz video shoot.
I did still photography for the first Mz Streamz video ("Tear It Up"). They shot this the summer of 2008 and I wasn’t supposed to post these until after the video debuted, but I forgot to go back and post them after the video debuted! So here they are…
Click here to check out the whole Mz Streamz video shoot set. And here is the video:
Martyn press shot.
the Jesus Lizard @ Sonar, Baltimore.
This was one of the best shows I went to all year – I was nervous, I sort of generally expect reunions to be underwhelming, but this was way more than I could have expected. David Yow was frenetic, full of energy, jumping into the crowd constantly, whipping his dick out (see above), yelling at the lighting crew to turn the lights up all the way. The band was incredibly tight, the sound was great – all in all, a great show.
Last week, i shot Nadastrom (Dave Nada & Matt Nordstrom) in my new “studio” (really just my living room, while I save up to buy a permanent space). Click here to view the Nadastrom selects from the shoot
Peaches, Men, Ponytail @ Sonar.
Raekwon @ 9:30, DC
Last week (or was it, time is getting wonky in this holiday/blizzard/travel maelstrom) I checked out Raekwon w/ Cappadona and Capone @ the 9:30 Club in DC. Rae was good, as usual. I was slightly disappointed that the rumored Noreaga appearance didn’t happen but… still a good show.
Check out all the Raekwon shots here. And check out the write-up on BYT here.
Taxlo Halloween @ Sonar
the cranberries @
read the story by michael byrne and see more photos at
UPDATE: this also made the “30 Biggest Concerts of 2009”
Get Em Mamis / Scottie B / No Rule @ Metro Gallery
Monday night I stopped by a packed Metro Gallery and caught the Get Em Mamis, a local rap duo… they killed it, the crowd loved them. Check out the photos here.
Two-pager in this month’s XLR8R
NO BUNNY, Jay Reatard, Hunx & His Punx @ Ottobar, Baltimore.
CLICK HERE FOR MORE PHOTOS. This show was fun – I loved No Bunny and thought Hunx & His Punx were pretty fun/ny. No Bunny were a total blast and you should check them out if they play around you, for sure. Just good showmanship and alot of energy and simple, catchy songs. And underwear and bunny masks.
Gwar @ Sonar.
Last sunday, I went and saw GWAR. It was mind-bending. It was really a challenge because Gwar soaks the crowd in fake blood/pus/semen/gore. And those things don’t work well with cameras. So I wrapped my camera in a hastily-assembled plastic sheeting condom, which made it VERY hard to shoot. I think i did okay, though… you can see the rest of the photos here.