Every year local neer-do-well Dustin Diamond has a cover band show at the Talking Head… well, next year it will have to be somewhere else, sadly, but it’s historically a great time. Different Baltimore bands or mixtures of Baltimore bands get together and do cover sets. This year among the bands were Fairies Wear Beards, which featured most of The Pilgrim doing Black Sabbath songs, and PISS, which featured most of Murder + Josh Seipp (formerly of Triac and Maudlin of the Well) and Matt Gabs from the Biters doing KISS covers… in full make-up!
PISS, in particular, was so well received that they are doing a follow-up show, this Thursday at the Golden West. In honor of that… I finally uploaded the picture’s from the birthday show… it only took me 3 months!
Click here to see all the photos!
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