Insubordinaton Fest 2012 @ the Ottobar.

House Boat crowd surfing @ Insubordination Fest 2012

This was a lot of fun – an annual pop-punk/punk fest from local punk label Insubordination records, I was sent out by the Baltimore Sun to cover this, but was excited to see the Mean Jeans, who I have covered before, as well as Night Birds & the Dopamines (who were playing with Mikey from the Ergs), both of whom I have always managed to miss. House Boat, who I’d never heard of before, was a good discovery – they played until they literally fell down from exhaustion. What a fun show and crowd… crazy crowd-surfing and dancing, lots of fun bands. And the organizers, including the legendary Larry Livermore, were very easy to talk to and chill. Read on for more photos or click here for the whole Flickr set from Insub fest

the Mean Jeans crowd @ Insubordination Fest 2012   Tony Pence & the Mean Jeans crowd @ Insubordination Fest 2012
the Mean Jeans crowd @ Insubordination Fest 2012
the Dopamines @ Insubordination Fest 2012   Night Birds @ Insubordination Fest 2012
the Dopamines crowd @ Insubordination Fest 2012

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